Board of Trustees

The Kitsap Regional Library Board of Trustees is comprised of five members appointed by the Kitsap County Commissioners to represent the five geographic regions of Kitsap County. The Board of Trustees selects a Library Director to whom the Board delegates the authority and responsibility for the administration of the Library. This includes the development of the Library’s annual operating and capital budgets, authorization and oversight of all major expenditures and policies relating to staff and public services. The Board of Trustees reviews, provides recommendations and is responsible for the final approval of all policies and budgets.


Erik Fong

Bainbridge Island

Vice President

Gina D. Steiner

North Kitsap


Marwan Cameron

Bremerton/Central Kitsap


Eric Cisney

South Kitsap


Monica Blackwood

Bremerton/Central Kitsap

Board of Trustees Meetings

The regular monthly meetings are open and public attendance is welcomed. Attend a board meeting to share opinions, concerns and ideas and to learn about areas of interest. Regular monthly meetings are held at 5:30 p.m. at the Norm Dicks Government Center, 345 6th St., Bremerton. Watch meetings live on Bremerton-Kitsap Access Television or view them on YouTube the Thursday following each meeting. Closed caption viewing is available on YouTube.

Committees of the Kitsap Regional Library Board of Trustees, include, but are not limited to, Finance, Strategic and Long-Range Planning and Policy Committees. Committee meetings are held at 4:30 p.m. prior to the regular monthly meeting.

If you have questions or would like additional information, please contact Tammy Jeffries, Executive Assistant, at (360) 405-9158 or

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Board Meetings

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