Older Adults
Events for Older Adults

Check Out Mobile Services
Can't come to the Library? We can help! Our Mobile Services team delivers library materials to healthcare facilities, group homes, and individual residences, offering personalized services to those who qualify but cannot visit our library branches.
Resources for Older Adults
Reserve a 30-45 minute meeting with a librarian for help with services, resources, outreach opportunities, reference questions and more.
Kitsap County Aging & Long Term Care Services
The Kitsap County Division of Aging and Long-Term Care serves the needs of older or disabled adults, their families and caregivers.
Medline Plus
Explore medical and health information with access to a medical encyclopedia through the National Library of Medicine.
Reserve a 30-45 minute meeting with a librarian for help with services, resources, outreach opportunities, reference questions and more.
Kitsap County Aging & Long Term Care Services
The Kitsap County Division of Aging and Long-Term Care serves the needs of older or disabled adults, their families and caregivers.
Medline Plus
Explore medical and health information with access to a medical encyclopedia through the National Library of Medicine.
Newest Arrivals
Featured Booklists
For Older Adults
Armed Forces Memories
A selection of memoir and autobiography from those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Pacific Northwest Asian American History
Check out these nonfiction titles and memoirs featuring Asian Americans from the Pacific Northwest!
Armed Forces Memories
A selection of memoir and autobiography from those who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Pacific Northwest Asian American History
Check out these nonfiction titles and memoirs featuring Asian Americans from the Pacific Northwest!

Explore the Genealogy Center
Located inside the Sylvan Way branch, the Puget Sound Genealogical Society volunteers share their collection and assist researchers at the Genealogy Center.